So Mika lives a solitary life with her dog, her koi pond, her funny social media videos, and her magic.

The only time she sees other witches is the third Thursday every third month. Primrose has also drummed into her head that witches need to stay away from each other, it’s just safer that way. Because of a spell gone wrong hundreds of years ago witches can not bear children and if they do they will die shortly after, leaving those children orphans. Raised by a standoffish elder in the magic community, she moves around frequently, never putting down roots. A fabulously warm, positive woman who finds joy in the simple things in life even though she has not one person who she’s really close to or can depend on. It kind of reminded me of a cross between Practical Magic and Mary Poppins, taking the very best parts of each and mashing them together into a wonderful found family paranormal romance. This is probably the most charming book I’ve read in a good long while. The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna